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Undergraduate Program in Philosophy

发表于: 2018-06-01 点击:

Undergraduate Program in Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy at Huaqiao University began offering undergraduate programs in 2013. Currently, the Department provides programs in all branches of philosophy at undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels. It offers places for both domestic and overseas students.

The Department of Philosophy offers a curriculum that allows its undergraduates to gain a firm basic knowledge in philosophy, and to apply critical thinking in solving both theoretical and practical problems. Furthermore, the Department also aims at helping undergraduates to develop some basic knowledge in both the humanities and natural sciences, improving their skills in English and multicultural communications, and broadening their international perspective. Special courses are offered to domestic students and overseas students. For domestic students, these include courses inculcating the theory of Marxism so that they can make right choices in political affairs. For overseas students, some special courses are offered to cultivate in them a strong recognition of Chinese culture.

The Department of Philosophy admits both students of arts and the sciences. Students in philosophy study deeply a specific philosophy issue under the guidance of a tutor. The Department runs many different seminars and discussion groups, so as to improve students’ ability in reading Chinese and Western Classics, communicating, speaking and writing. Some of the courses offered are taught in English by foreign experts. Besides that, the Department regularly invites many prestigious scholars from the U.S., Europe, Hong Kong and Taiwan to open short courses to broaden students’ academic horizons and capabilities, and to improve their abilities in international communication. We also offer a variety of Fundamental Courses and several Practical Courses. Fundamental Courses include Introduction to Philosophy, History of Marxist Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy, History of Chinese Philosophy, Principles of Marxist Philosophy, Introduction to Philosophy of Science and Technology, Introduction to Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy of Religion, Introduction to Aesthetics, and Introduction to Logic. Practical Courses include Philosophical Practice, Arts of Public Speaking, and Manners and Communication Skills. We also offer elective courses for improving language abilities and in various areas of the humanities and philosophy.




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