Dr. Benjamin Coles 寇哲明
Date of Birth 出生日期: 08/05/1981
Place of Birth 出生地: Canterbury 坎特伯雷, UK 英国
Current Position 目前职位: Lecturer in Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学讲师
Research Areas 研究领域: Wei-Jin Dark Learning 魏晋玄学, Comparative Philosophy 比较哲学, Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty Confucianism and Daoism 先秦两汉儒道思想, Ming Dynasty Thought 明代思想, Modern European Philosophy 现代欧洲哲学
Courses Taught 讲授课程: Introduction to Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学导论, Chinese Philosophy of Religion 中国宗教哲学, History of Modern Western Philosophy 现代西方哲学史, Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy 古希腊哲学研究
Email 邮箱: [email protected]
Education 教育背景
PhD Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学, School of Philosophy 哲学院, Renmin University of China 中国人民大学, Beijing (2013 – 2020)
Thesis Title: Guo Xiang’s Immanent Metaphysics: A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Gilles Deleuze’s Metaphysics of Immanence 郭象内在性形上学:以德勒兹内在性形上学为视角的比较研究 (written in Chinese)
Advisor: Wen Haiming 温海明
Scholarship: China Scholarship Council (CSC) 国家留学基金委
MA Continental Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK (2004 – 2005)
Dissertation Title: Transcending the Good: Ethical Subjectivity in Levinas and Beyond
Advisor: Darren Ambrose
Grade: Distinction
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, UK (2000 – 2003)
Grade: First Class
Main Professional Experience 工作经历
Lecturer, Chinese Philosophy (August 2020 - Present)
School of Philosophy and Social Development 博彩网站
, Huaqiao University 华侨大学, Xiamen, Fujian
Lecturer, British and American Language and Culture (2009 – 2013)
School of Foreign Languages 外国语学院, Beihang University 北京航空航天大学, Beijing
High School Teacher, English (2007 – 2009)
Shijiazhuang Foreign Language School 石家庄外国语学校, Shijiazhuang, Hebei
Visiting Lecturer, British and American Language and Culture (2005 – 2006)
College of Foreign Languages 外国语学院, Hengshui University 衡水学院, Hengshui, Hebei
Other Academic and Professional Experience 学术兼职
Teaching Assistant, International Academy for Chinese Thought and Culture (June 29 – July 20, 2019)
Fudan University 复旦大学, Shanghai; Nishan Birthplace of the Sage Academy尼山圣源书院, Shandong; Peking University 北京大学, Beijing; Bath Spa University, UK
Teaching Assistant, Confucian Studies Summer Institute (July 2-31, 2016)
Nishan Birthplace of the Sage Academy 尼山圣源书院, Shandong; Center for East-West Relations 东西方关系中心, College of International Relations 国际关系学院, Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国语大学, Beijing; Bath Spa University, UK
English Language Consultant (2016 – present)
International Confucian Association 国际儒学联合会, Beijing
Teaching Assistant, Workshop on the Transcultural Diffusion of Chinese Culture (December 6 – 12, 2015)
Center for East-West Relations 东西方关系中心, College of International Relations 国际关系学院, Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国语大学, Beijing
Teaching Assistant, Chinese Ethics and Values (2015 – 2017)
Yenching Academy 燕京学堂, Peking University 北京大学, Beijing
Assistant English Language Editor, Confucian Academy 《孔学堂》 (2015 – present)
Guiyang Confucius Academy 贵阳孔学堂, Guiyang, Guizhou
English Language Consultant, College English 《大学英语》 (2011 – 2014)
School of Foreign Languages 外国语学院, Beihang University 北京航空航天大学, Beijing
Academic Publications 学术论文
(2020) “Review of Wen Haiming, Illuminating Intentionality in the Zhouyi: New Explorations in the Philosophy of the Book of Changes,” Dao, doi.org/10.1007/s11712-020-09757-6.
(2019) “Guo Xiang and the Problem of Self-Cultivation in Daoist Naturalism.” Religions, No. 10, 388. doi:10.3390/rel10060388.
(2017) “Guo Xiang, Schelling and Immanent Thought in a Comparative Perspective” 郭象、谢林与比较哲学视域下的内在性思想 (in Chinese). In The Great Union of the World, No. 1 《大同》,第一期, ed. Fang Zhaohui 方朝晖, Beijing: China Intercontinental Press 五洲传播出版社, 2017, pp. 68-86.
Translated and Edited Works 译著、编著
(2021) Zhang Xuezhi 张学智 (auth.) and Benjamin Coles 寇哲明 (trans.). A History of Philosophy in the Ming Dynasty 《明代哲学史》, 2021 (forthcoming).
(2019) Wen Haiming 温海明 (auth. and co-trans.) and Benjamin Coles 寇哲明 (co-trans.). The Book of Changes: An Elementary Reader 《周易初级读本》, Chinese-English Bilingual Edition. Beijing: Commercial Press 商务印书馆, 2019.
(2018) Ye Xuanping 叶选平 (ed.) and Benjamin Coles 寇哲明 (trans.). Collected Calligraphic Works of Ye Xuanping: Essential Selections from The School Sayings of Confucius 《叶选平书法作品集:<孔子家语>精选》, Chinese-English Bilingual Edition. Beijing: International Confucian Association 国际儒学联合会, 2018.
(2018) Wen Haiming 温海明 (chief ed.), Benjamin Coles 寇哲明 and Dong Xuemei 董学美 (eds). The Comparative Philosophy of Roger Ames: Criticism and Research 《安乐哲比较哲学评论与研究》. Guiyang: Confucian Academy Press 孔学堂书局, 2018.
Conference Presentations and Guest Lectures 学术会议、讲座
(2020) “Guo Xiang and Modern Neo-Daoism in the West” 郭象与西方现代新道家 (given in Chinese), 2020 Academic Forum on Modern Neo-Daoism 2020·现代新道家学术论坛. Xi’an International University 西安外事学院, Xi’an, Shaanxi, October 25, 2020
(2019) “Guo Xiang and the Illusions of Consciousness: An Analysis from the Perspective of Deleuze’s Interpretation of Spinoza” 郭象与心知的错觉:以德勒兹的斯宾诺莎诠释为视角 (given in Chinese), First International Comparative Philosophy Conference on the Mind-Body Problem 首届深圳国际身心问题比较哲学会议. Shenzhen University 深圳大学, Shenzhen, Guangdong, November 23-24, 2019
(2019) “Have They, Too, Never Been Modern? On the Fracturing of Nature in Early China,” Nature in All Its States: A Symposium 文心讲座, Workshop on Contemporary Theory 当代理论工作坊. Department of Literature, Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学文艺学研究中心, Beijing, October 31, 2019
(2018) “One or Several Transcendences? On Immanence and Transcendence in Chinese and Comparative Philosophy,” Philosophy Department Graduate Student Forum, “Philosophical Traditions: Comparative Philosophy and its Limits.” Philosophy Department, East China Normal University 华东师范大学哲学系, Shanghai, November 9-11, 2018.
(2018) “Mencius and Bergson on the Root Source(s) of Morality” 孟子与柏格森论道德的根源 (given in Chinese), 2nd International Young Scholars’ Confucianism Forum 第二届国际青年儒学论坛. Mencius Research Institute 孟子研究院, Zoucheng, Shandong, September 14-17, 2018.
(2018) “The True Human is Inhuman: Gilles Deleuze and Guo Xiang on the Illusions of Consciousness,” 24th World Congress of Philosophy 第24届世界哲学大会. Beijing, August 13-20, 2018.
(2017) “On the Hermeneutic Method of Guo Xiang’s Zhuangzi Commentary,” International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures 古代文本文化国际研究中心, First Annual Workshop 第一届研修工作坊, “Canonical Texts and Commentaries.” Renmin University of China 中国人民大学, Beijing, June 18-24, 2017.
(2016) “Immanence and the ‘Dark’ Unconscious: Reflections on Guo Xiang’s Ontological Individualism in Relation to German Idealism,” 2016 Chinese-German Philosophical Dialogue 2016年中德哲学对话, “Approaches to the Self: Classical Chinese Philosophy and Classical German Idealism in Discussion.” Sihai Confucius Academy 四海孔子书院, Beijing, August 21-23, 2016.
(2016) “Empiricism in the Dark: Imagination and Singular Experience in Guo Xiang’s Commentary to the Zhuangzi,” 48th Annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, “Imagination.” East West Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, June 2-5, 2016.
(2016) “Guo Xiang’s Zhuangzi and Two Models of Self-Cultivation in Daoism,” 10th International Conference on Daoist Studies 第十届国际道学研讨会, “Daoism: Self, Science, and Society.” Tian-An-Tai-Ho Retreat Center 天安太和道场, Miaoli County, Taiwan, May 26-29, 2016.
(2015) “Bergson’s Two Sources of Morality and Religion and the Interpretation of Pre-Qin Confucian Ethical Thought” 柏格森的《道德和宗教的两个来源》与先秦儒家伦理思想的诠释 (given in Chinese), Third International Academic Symposium on Zhou-Qin Ethical Culture and Modern Values 第三届周秦伦理文化与现代道德价值国际学术研讨会. Baoji University of Arts and Sciences 宝鸡文理学院, Baoji, Shaanxi, July 3-5, 2015.
Academic Awards and Research Funding 学术获奖、基金项目
Chinese Academic Studies Foreign Translation Project 中华学术外译项目 (2017-2020)
Doctoral Research Scholarship, China Scholarship Council 国家留学基金委 (2013-2017)