Kevin Lynch,爱尔兰人,哲学博士,哲学系教授。
(Professor of Philosophy, School of Philosophy and Social Development)
Feb 2015 – Feb 2017 Assistant Professor of English, Woosong University, Daejeon, South Korea
Oct. 2013 – Sept 2014 Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, University College Dublin
PhD: 2011, University of Warwick, U.K.
Title: ‘A Defence of a Deflationary Theory of Self-Deception’.
Supervisor: Johannes Roessler
Examiners: Martin Davies (Oxford) and Matt Soteriou (Warwick)
M.A: 2004, Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
B.A: 2002, Philosophy and Sociology, Maynooth University, Ireland.
Philosophy of mind. Metaphysics. Epistemology. History of Analytic Philosophy.
1.English for Philosophy.(专业英语)
2.Introduction to Analytic Philosophy. (分析哲学导论)
3.Metaphysics. (形而上学)
4.Classic English Philosophy Texts. (哲学经典导读)
5.Political Philosophy. (政治哲学)
6.Philosophy of science.(科技哲学)
7.Early Modern Philosophy.(早期现代哲学)
1. 主持课题:
I am currently working on a number of projects. One project, funded by the Ministry of Education, examines a doctrine concerning the substance/attribute distinction that was widely believed during the Early Modern period, which I call the hiddenness of substance doctrine. This doctrine says that although attributes can be perceived the substances that have the attributes cannot. The project tries to determine the reasons why this doctrine was held.
I am also working on a defense of classical materialism against physicalism, and a paper on Rudolf Carnap’s distinction between the material and formal modes of expression. Furthermore, I have a long-standing research interest in self-deception.
我还在致力于捍卫古典唯物主义和物理主义,正在进行一篇关于鲁道夫·卡尔纳普(Rudolf Carnap)对物质表达方式和形式表达方式之间的区别的论文研究。此外,我对自我欺骗有着长期的研究兴趣。
2. 学术专著:
(Book reviews)
• 2020. Review of Self-Deception by Eric Funkhouser. Philosophy 95(1), pp. 147-151.
• 2016. Review of The Myth of the Intuitive by Max Deutsch. Philosophical Psychology 29(7), pp. 1088-1091.
• 2016. Review of Self-Knowledge for Humans by Quassim Cassam. Dialectica 70(1), pp. 113-119.
• 2015. Review of Subliminal: How your Unconscious Mind Rules your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow. Journal of Consciousness Studies 22(9-10), pp. 229-234.
• 2015. Review of Irrationality by Lisa Bortolotti. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23(4), pp. 605-609.
• 2015. Review of The Intellectual Powers: A Study of Human Nature by P.M.S. Hacker. Philosophy 90(2), pp. 332-336.
3. 代表性论文:
• 2023. The pragmatic hypothesis testing theory of self-deception and the belief/acceptance distinction. Philosophy 98(1), pp. 29-53.
• 2022. Being self-deceived about one’s own mental state. The Philosophical Quarterly 72(3), pp. 652-672.
• 2020. Knowing what an experience is like and the reductive theory of knowledge-wh. Analytic Philosophy 61(3), pp. 252-275.
• 2019. Paradigm case arguments. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. //iep.utm.edu/paracase/
• 2019. Knowing how, basic actions, and ways of doing things. Inquiry 62(6), pp. 956-977.
• 2017. An agentive non-intentionalist theory of self-deception. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47(6), pp. 779-798.
• 2017. The divisibility of basic actions. Analysis 77(2), pp. 312-318.
• 2016. Willful ignorance and self-deception. Philosophical Studies 173(2), pp. 505-523.
• 2014. The vagaries of psychoanalytic interpretation: An investigation into the causes of the consensus problem in psychoanalysis. Philosophia 42(3): pp. 779-799.
• 2014. Self-deception and shifts of attention. Philosophical Explorations 17(1), pp. 63-75.
• 2013. Self-deception and stubborn belief. Erkenntnis 78(6), pp. 1337-1345.
• 2012. A multiple realization thesis for natural kinds. European Journal of Philosophy 20(3), pp. 389-406.
• 2012. On the ‘tension’ inherent in self-deception. Philosophical Psychology 25(3), pp. 433-450.
• 2010. Self-deception, religious belief, and the false belief condition. The Heythrop Journal 51(6), pp. 1073-1074.
• 2009. Prospects for an intentionalist theory of self-deception. Abstracta 5(2), pp. 126-138.
• September 2023. General project of humanities and social science research of the Ministry of Education (教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目). Value: 100,000 RMB.
• 13th – 20th January 2019, Sino-British Fellowship to visit Lingnan University. Value: £1000.
• March 2011, Postgraduate Award: Introduction to Academic and Professional Practice
• March 2009, €100 prize won for best presentation at the Second European Graduate School graduate conference, Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany.
• Oct. 2008, 3 year Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (used for 2 years)
Email: [email protected]