This course introduces theories about several central questions in ethics in contemporary analytical philosophy. The first third of the course will focus on metaethics: we will examine the meaning of moral claims and ask whether there is any sense in which moral principles are objectively valid. The rest of the course will discuss a variety of views in normative ethics (utilitarianism, deontological,Kantian ethics, and virtue ethics) which is about: what makes our actions right or wrong, and what do we owe to each other? The examination of each theory is accompanied by specific issues in applied ethics: the application of that theory in practical issues or the discussions of the problems emerging from such application in practical life. Topics will include but are not limited to: distributive justice, race, the consumption of non-human animals, the meaning of respect, and the justification of blame. This course is taught in English. All readings will be available online.
Lecture and discussion.