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发表于: 2017-09-18 点击:

122-3日,厦门 华侨大学

在最佳博彩网站 、武汉大学哲学学院、英国雷丁大学哲学系的协议下,今年“华侨大学-武汉大学-雷丁大学三校哲学研讨会”将由博彩网站 在厦门举办,时间为122-123日,会议主题为“哲学方法”。


  1. 圆桌讨论:122日上午,所有参会者可以分别用十分钟左右时间来阐述对相关主题的理解。

  2. 学术工作坊:122日下午到123日,三个半天举行23个场次的学术研讨,每个场次将有45个报告(其中一场为英文专场,将由雷丁大学和我们两院的教师,特别是外籍教师参加),每个包含评议和讨论时间为1小时左右。我们将在收到报告后为每个报告分配评议人。

欢迎大家参加两种形式的会议。如对圆桌讨论感兴趣,只需发送发言题目和大纲;而如对学术工作坊感兴趣,还请务必发送论文全文,以便于阅读讨论。论文、大纲等材料截止日期是1120日。联系邮箱为:[email protected]




The School of Philosophy and Social Development, Huaqiao University, will hold a conference with the proposed theme Philosophical Methodology”. The conference will take place on 2nd and 3rd December, it will have four sessions, which will take two forms.

1. Roundtable: In the morning of 2nd, there will be a roundtable where all participants can have approximately 10 minutes to contribute to the topic.

2. Workshop: In the following three half-days, there will be three sessions (one of these will have English as the working language) which will have 3-4 presentations, we will also assign respondents to the presentations.


Everyone is welcome to contribute to either/both of the forms of our conference. If you are interested in the Roundtable, please just send the title of your topic and an outline. However, if you are interested in presenting in the workshop, you need to send us the full paper. I will be grateful if you can send them to philosophia@bestbocai.com before the 20th. November.


Huaqiao University will cover accommodation and meals for all the participants.

You can arrive at Xiamen on the 1st.December and leave on the 4th.December.


This joint Huaqiao-Wuhan-Reading conference will be first of its kind to take place in our School, we believe it will be a success.


LI Zhongwei

School of Philosophy and Social Development, Huaqiao University





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